Quick cooking ...with tips to make it easy!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What Dish?

Since I've been on the cookie diet mostly what I eat is either Fish, a salad and broccoli.....chicken, a salad and a green veggie......turkey or turkey burgers, etc., etc., etc. and maybe once every two weeks I will cheat and have lean beef with veggies.

I didn't think the dishes were too exciting to take pictures, so for now until I reach my goal, Dolly's Daily Dish will be boring.

But have no fear....check out my other blogs:

http://thoughtsonturninggreen.blogspot.com/ (Trying to Be Greener)

http://dollysadventures.blogspot.com/ (Dolly’s Days)

http://dollysdietdilemmas.blogspot.com/ (My Diet)

http://kelschskorner.blogspot.com/ (My Family)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Eating Healthy

There probably won't be any real fancy, different dishes that I post lately since I am on the Smart For Life Cookie Diet, but I will still take pictures of what I am eating and post them here and there.
I do eat a healthy meal at night, but very plain....no fats, etc.  I guess I will post some so you get the idea.
Stay tuned!